Vital Cell

436 4.5ounces

- 180 capsules

Vital Cell ® - Anti-Aging Formula for Circulation

  • Anti-Aging formula supports healthy circulation and organ function
  • Proprietary blend of all-natural herbal extracts
  • Shown to support circulatory performance, microcirculation, and healthy internal organ functions
  • Especially suited for elderly & athletes
  • Has also been shown to support immune performance by maintaining resistance and improving overall health
  • Free US shipping

Vital Cell by Tango Advanced Nutrition contains a proprietary blend of herbal extracts that have been shown to support circulatory performance, microcirculation, and healthy internal organ functions.*

This synergistic blend of herbs also provides support for the immune system while promoting overall health.*

Given this wide range of benefits, Vital Cell is especially well-suited for the elderly, competitive athletes and adults of all ages who experience occasional stress.*

Astragalus (Radix Astragali), one of the key active ingredients in Vital Cell, is revered in Traditional Chinese healing practice as an advanced anti-aging compound frequently used in formulas for countering a wide range of common discomforts associated with human aging. By maintaining healthy microcirculation, Vital Cell promotes internal organ health while supporting the body's natural detoxification of cellular metabolic waste products. Vital Cell has also been shown to support immune performance by maintaining resistance and improving overall health.

Vital Cell is a proprietary blend of herbal extracts formulated to support healthy blood flow. The formula has been shown to exert a positive effect on blood, supporting healthy oxygen uptake and delivery.

In addition to benefits in microcirculation, Vital Cell has been shown to help with certain age-related issues, as well as helping to maintain and support healthy immune response. Traditional herbal remedies like Vital Cell are known to confer a wide range of anti-aging and immuno-supportive health benefits. In addition to lacking the negative side effects of synthetic remedies, advanced herbal formulas like Vital Cell may be inherently safer and less expensive than their synthetic counterparts.

The Connection Between Blood and Aging
As a professor and physician, Dr. Yan received extensive training in both Western and Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). In Chinese medicine blood stagnation is considered to be the primary underlying cause of many health issues. When blood stagnation occurs, the body's internal organs don't receive their normal nutrients, and waste products aren't carried away at a sufficient rate. This impedes the organs from performing their functions, resulting in weakness and aging.

Dr. Yan recognized that the Chinese view of blood stagnation had a strong corollary in Western medicine – especially regarding blood sugar issues that affect the microcapillaries and impact blood flow to the retinas, kidneys, and peripheral nerves. Basically, this can be viewed of as an accelerated form of the normal aging process in the way it relates to blood composition and circulatory issues.

Noting the role that changes in circulation play in aging, Dr. Yan theorized that many of the age-related health issues he observed in his older patients might be traced to underlying blood and circulation issues. He also believed that these issues were affecting vital tissues and organs.

Dr. Yan formed a new research team with other leading medical researchers at the Shanghai Medical Hospital called the Blood Stasis and Aging Research Group. As the researchers examined blood samples from young and elderly volunteers they quickly noticed that the samples from young adults were thinner and had a brighter red color than the samples from the older adults. Intrigued by this simple visual correlation between blood stagnation and aging, the researchers began to test the beneficial effects of a number of natural herbs on blood and microcapillary function.

After eight years of gathering clinical data on microcirculation and evaluating changes in blood flow, Dr. Yan's team arrived at a formula made up of 10 traditional herbs that were shown to promote overall health, enhance energy, and maintain healthy circulation.

A Medical Professional's Perspective

My clinical experience supports the use of this unique Traditional Chinese herbal formulation based on its ability to significantly promote healthy internal organ function, as well as systemic microcirculation, detoxification and cellular energy production. Vital Cell has also been shown to maintain ideal viscosity (thickness) of the blood, thereby supporting blood flow through the capillary vessels that supply oxygen and nutrients to and remove waste products from the cells, tissues and organ systems.

I have personally been taking Vital Cell for over four months and have observed a definitive, gradual promotion of my stamina and endurance. Another noticeable benefit has been in my clarity and sharpness of vision and memory, especially after long hours of studying complicated, homeopathic cases and all the medical literature.

Mitchell A. Fleisher, M.D., D.Ht., D.A.B.F.M.

By enhancing circulation, nourishing cells, and detoxification of cellular waste products, Vital Cell contributes to overall improvements in memory, energy, and health.

Astragalus (Radix Astragali)
Astragalus has been used in Traditional Chinese culture for thousands of years, often in combination with other herbs, to strengthen the body. Astragalus has been found to slow formation of advanced glycation end products (AGEs) (1) and support learning and memory (2). Additionally, astragulus has been shown to aid in modulating insulin signaling in skeletal muscle. (3)

Atractylodes (Rhizoma Atractylodis Macrocephalae)
Atractylodes is an herb that has been used in Chinese herbal culture for centuries. Researchers have demonstrated significant inflammation-modulating activity of components extracted from Atractylodis macrocephalae in a study of mice suffering from ear edema. (4) In a related study, components in atractylodes (atractylenolide I and atractylenolide III) were found to exert inflammation-modulating effects by modulating production of TNF-alpha and NO. (5)

San-Qi Ginseng (Radix Pseudoginseng)
Accumulating evidence indicates that Panax notoginseng saponins (PNS), the major ingredients in Panax notoginseng (San-Qi Ginseng) may aid in supporting  blood vessel health by supporting healthy cholesterol levels. (6) In a related study, San-Qi Ginseng was shown to support blood vessel health through an inflammation-modulating action and by supporting healthy blood lipids. (7)

Dong-Quai (Radix Angelicae Sinensis)
Extracts of Dong-Quai (Angelica sinensis) have been shown to exert inflammation-modulating actions. (8) In a related study, Dong-Quai was found to exert significant neuroprotective effects against cerebral issues in several animal models. (9)

Safflower flower (Flos Carthami Tinctorii)
Hydroxysafflor yellow A (HSYA), a component of Safflower flower, has been shown to exert inflammation-modulating effects on cytokine expression to support lung health. (10) In another study Safflower flower was shown to potentially serve as a cardio-protective agent. (11)

Lycium Chinense (Fructus Lycii Chinensis)
Polysaccharides extracted from Lycium fruits have been shown to support heart function in rats, suggesting a potential role for cardiovascular health. (12) In another study, Lycium chinense extracts were shown to support liver health by modulating serum aspartate and alanine aminotransferase (AST and ALT) and alkaline phosphatase levels. (13)

Codonopsis (Radix Codonopsis Pilosulae)
Codonopsis extract has been shown to support liver health by modulating phosphorylation of AMPKalpha and ACC, which are implicated in lipid metabolism. (14)

Red-Rooted Sage (Radix Salviae Miltiorrhizae)
Extracts of Red-Rooted Sage (Salvia miltiorrhiza) were shown to modulate production of advanced glycation end-products (AGEs). (15) In a second study, an active ingredient present in the Salvia miltiorrhiza root was found to have inflammation-modulating effects on TNF-alpha-induced production of reactive oxygen species (ROS), demonstrating a potential role in supporting endothelial and vascular health. (16)

Chinese Licorice (Radix Glycyrrhiza Uralensis)
Experimental research indicates that Radix Glycyrrhiza exerts beneficial effects on the digestive system, respiratory system, nervous system and endocrine system. (17). Radix Glycyrrhiza has also been shown to modulate lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-induced inflammation in mice. (18)


1. Motomura K, Fujiwara Y, Kiyota N, Tsurushima K, Takeya M, Nohara T, Nagai R, Ikeda T. Astragalosides isolated from the root of astragalus radix inhibit the formation of advanced glycation end products. J Agric Food Chem. 2009 Sep 9;57(17):7666-72.
2. Park HJ, Kim HY, Yoon KH, Kim KS, Shim I. The Effects of Astragalus Membranaceus on Repeated Restraint Stress-induced Biochemical and Behavioral Responses. Korean J Physiol Pharmacol. 2009 Aug;13(4):315-9. Epub 2009 Aug 31.
3. Liu M, Wu K, Mao X, Wu Y, Ouyang J. Astragalus polysaccharide improves insulin sensitivity in KKAy mice: regulation of PKB/GLUT4 signaling in skeletal muscle. J Ethnopharmacol. 2010 Jan 8;127(1):32-7. Epub 2009 Oct 2.
4. Dong H, He L, Huang M, Dong Y. Inflammation-modulating components isolated from Atractylodes macrocephala Koidz. Nat Prod Res. 2008;22(16):1418-27.
5. Li CQ, He LC, Jin JQ. Atractylenolide I and atractylenolide III inhibit Lipopolysaccharide-induced TNF-alpha and NO production in macrophages. Phytother Res. 2007 Apr;21(4):347-53.
6. Jia Y, Li ZY, Zhang HG, Li HB, Liu Y, Li XH. Panax notoginseng saponins decrease cholesterol ester via up-regulating ATP-binding cassette transporter A1 in foam cells. J Ethnopharmacol. 2010 Aug 19. [Epub ahead of print]
7. Liu Y, Zhang HG, Jia Y, Li XH. Panax notoginseng saponins attenuate atherogenesis accelerated by zymosan in rabbits. Biol Pharm Bull. 2010;33(8):1324-30.
8. Chao WW, Hong YH, Chen ML, Lin BF. Inhibitory effects of Angelica sinensis ethyl acetate extract and major compounds on NF-kappaB trans-activation activity and LPS-induced inflammation. J Ethnopharmacol. 2010 May 27;129(2):244-9. Epub 2010 Apr 3.
9. Zhang L, Du JR, Wang J, Yu DK, Chen YS, He Y, Wang CY. Z-ligustilide extracted from Radix Angelica Sinensis decreased platelet aggregation induced by ADP ex vivo and arterio-venous shunt thrombosis in vivo in rats. Yakugaku Zasshi. 2009 Jul;129(7):855-9.

10. Sun CY, Pei CQ, Zang BX, Wang L, Jin M. The inflammation-modulating ability of hydroxysafflor yellow. Phytother Res. 2010 Jun 17.
11. Tien YC, Lin JY, Lai CH, Kuo CH, Lin WY, Tsai CH, Tsai FJ, Cheng YC, Peng WH, Huang CY. Carthamus tinctorius L. prevents LPS-induced TNFalpha signaling activation and cell apoptosis. J Ethnopharmacol. 2010 Aug 9;130(3):505-13. Epub 2010 Jun 9.
12. Lu SP, Zhao PT. Chemical characterization of Lycium barbarum polysaccharides and their effects. Int J Biol Macromol. 2010 Sep 9.
13. Ha KT, Yoon SJ, Choi DY, Kim DW, Kim JK, Kim CH. Protective effect of Lycium chinense fruit on carbon tetrachloride-induced hepatotoxicity. J Ethnopharmacol. 2005 Jan 15;96(3):529-35. Epub 2004 Dec 8.
14. Cho K, Kim SJ, Park SH, Kim S, Park T. Protective effect of Codonopsis lanceolata root extract against alcoholic fatty liver in the rat. J Med Food. 2009 Dec;12(6):1293-301.
15. Ma HY, Gao HY, Sun L, Huang J, Xu XM, Wu LJ. Constituents with -glucosidase and advanced glycation end-product formation inhibitory activities from Salvia miltiorrhiza Bge. J Nat Med. 2010 Sep 11.
16. Tang C, Xue HL, Bai CL, Fu R. Regulation of adhesion molecules expression in TNF-alpha-stimulated brain microvascular endothelial cells. Phytother Res. 2010 Aug 4.
17. Gao X, Wang W, Wei S, Li W. Review of pharmacological effects of Glycyrrhiza radix and its bioactive compounds. Zhongguo Zhong Yao Za Zhi. 2009 Nov;34(21):2695-700.
18. Xie YC, Dong XW, Wu XM, Yan XF, Xie QM. Inhibitory effects of flavonoids extracted from licorice on lipopolysaccharide-induced inflammation in mice. Int Immunopharmacol. 2009 Feb;9(2):194-200. Epub 2008 Dec 9.

Vital Cell by Tango Advanced Nutrition - Directions:

Suggested Use:
As a dietary supplement take 3 capsules, 2 times daily.

Not recommended for pregnant or nursing women.

1 bottle of Vital Cell contains 180 capsules for a 1 month supply 

* These statements have not been evaluated by the food and drug administration. The products mentioned are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Always see your licensed health care professional for proper diagnosis and treatment.

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