Theraderm Gentle Action Application Pads

400 1.5ounces

- 100 pads

Theraderm Gentle Action Application Pads

If you want healthy, glowing skin, regular exfoliation is a must. As we age, exfoliation becomes more and more important. The specially designed Theraderm Gentle Action Application Pads enhance the results from both toners and exfoliants. These facial exfoliating pads feature an innovative texture that helps provide increased effectiveness of application and absorption while working to minimize waste of product for more applications per bottle.
3 Reasons Why Exfoliation Is Important:
  1. Dead skin cells reduce the amount of absorption of your products. You paid hard earned money for those products, you want them to work to their full potential.
  2. As we age, cellular turnover slows significantly. This is what causes skin to appear dull and rough.
  3. The buildup of dead skin cells can result in excessive oil and clogged pores which can cause clogged pores and blemishes.

Moisten pad with solution. Gently wipe entire face and eyelids with damp pad. May use both sides of pad before discarding.

Ingredients in Theraderm Gentle Action Application Pads
Rayon, Polypropylene

These statements have not been evaluated by the food and drug administration. The products mentioned are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Always see your licensed health care professional for proper diagnosis and treatment. These results are atypical your results may vary.